When I woke up today, I came across “The 20 Best Parenting MeMes of 2017” made by Good Housekeeping. As any parent can imagine, I was laughing out loud, in bed, by myself. Immediately, I knew I needed to share this moment with my “Mom’s Group.” If there was a group of ladies that had to see this, could relate to every one of these meme’s – it was them.
Coffee, Couches, and Mom Friends
For the past two and a half years, I have spent most Tuesday mornings with a group of mommas. Over time it has become a safe place where a group of ladies takes a few hours to themselves. We drink tea and coffee and snuggle into couches around a living room while we hire a sitter to hang with our kiddos.
We share the joys and sorrows of parenting. As a group, we spend time asking questions revolving around every topic and sharing the harder; deeper parts of our hearts with each other. We humbly walk through sensitive issues working through our own questions and doubts. Each week these women show up, pray for each other and are vulnerable with each other. I couldn’t be more thankful for a group like this in my life.
That is why I got particularly emotional one afternoon. I looked at this picture of Sayge. I noticed her sweet face and those stunning hearing aids, I saw nothing but beauty, strength, and fierceness.
It didn’t always feel that way.
When my son, Ayden, was born I had to work through a lot of my own personal shame and guilt. His hearing aids were sometimes hard for me to love. But with the support of this group of women, I am healthier. Honestly, I’m a better mother because of them. With their support, I have been able to spend the past few years slowly unraveling my own issues. As a result, I am more free, experienece less mom guilt, and I have become a better parent; a more confident parent.
Read More: Hearing Loss Advice I wish I had Known
Nobody is meant to do this alone
Parenting is lonely. Especially when you have a child with a disability. My encouragement to all parents is to seek out support from other parents in some way. If nothing exists around you, create it. Make it happen. Risk being vulnerable. We all need people to surround us. See us. Love us. Love us fully known. Nobody is meant to do this alone.