How Coffee, Couches, and Great Mom Friends Make a Difference

When I woke up today, I came across “The 20 Best Parenting MeMes of 2017” made by Good Housekeeping.  As any parent can imagine, I was laughing out loud, in bed, by myself. Immediately, I knew I needed to share this moment with my “Mom’s Group.”  If there was a group of ladies that had to see this, could relate to every one of these meme’s – it was them. 

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The Incedible Power of a Growth Mindset


“This is Hard. This is fun.”  – Carol Dweck

This weekend, the boys and I created our own robot. I am talking electrical engineering kind of robot building. We included batteries and used red and black wires. We even added electrical tape. It was hard. And it was exhilarating. Together, we constructed a mini bot that had an on/off switch, a 3-volt motor, and moved in a circle.

With this awesome invention in mind, I should make a few confessions. First,  I have always put myself in the category as “not the science girl.” It wasn’t my thing  growing up. Second, I not only put myself in a category of not being a science person, but I had a belief that intellegence was fixed. Therefore, I believed, you could try hard and do the best you could with what you were given, but your smarts were never going to change. 

Continue reading “The Incedible Power of a Growth Mindset”